sacred oasis_推荐阅读:警官jiejie的侦查犬gl、仲夏(父女h)、今夕何夕(骨科)、九尾夫人(古言NPH)、论一个江湖反派如何艰苦求生、戚容中心丨南山南山、吞噬GL、夏彦调教手册、画地为牢同人文:无法背弃的人(萧九离X君玘)、【六九/宿敌】续篇
Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you.触碰他时,仿佛你曾期许的一切就在眼前。Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there's no right answer.与他争执,每每如同解开一个没有答案的字谜。Forgetting him was like tryin' know somebody you never met.将他遗忘好比,去了解一个素未谋面的人那样漫长。But loving him was red.但我记得爱他的感觉。His love was like driving me down a dead-end street.他的爱犹如将我带向绝路。——Taylor Swift 《Red》1.双C,1v1,年上2.傲娇拧巴小公主x冷漠科研男3.无脑小甜文4.瞎写的